domingo, 7 de febrero de 2016

Revenge of the Nerds

On this entry were are going to talk about the article Revenge of the Nerds by Paul Graham that talk about different languages and the advantages and disadvantages of each in a general way. According to Graham it's bad to think that all languages are equivalent because each are designed with an special purpose that makes our life easier, instead of using one single language for every project we develop. The experience I had along the career is learning different programming languages and getting use to it, because a the begging was only Java, that it's what I think the language we saw the most, then C and finally Lisp.
Personally, at the begging was difficult to get use to programming in Clojure, on this language you did not have to define the type of variables, I mean define int, string, all was implicit. But with the time, even it's confusing I like because it's compact, even the parentheses are still confusing. I know that there are a lot of languages I need to learn, but my objective is to know the strengths of each to know when to use it on a project.
So I agree with something, that not to marry with some language is like a preview entry calling Beating Averages,  that the key of their project was that the risk themselves using another language, that a few knew it.
It's good to know more about Lisp and it's advantage, because is a new language to me, and I have not explore it at all, so these article gave more information, about the pros of using it.
In conclusion, it's interesting having another point of view and perspective of LISP, I didn't new it was the base of some languages, but I agree that with it's characteristics like recursion and conditionals, make easier the life as a programmer.

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