miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016

Language as the Ultimate Weapon

Why is the  Nineteen Eighty-Four novel by George Orwell relevant to a student taking the Programming Language course?
It's interesting because on the previous documentary Triumph of the Nerds Part III, where a part where Jobs quotes Orwell, even the publicity of Apple where inspired by these book.
I think depends on the context we how powerful or malicious as the article says, it could expand our horizons and minds on the normal way, but on the political way it could let scarce of words of expressions.
It's like they say "An ignorant people is easier to govern", that what was happening on Orwell's novel, they were making people ignorant by changing the language, letting them scarce of expressions and other people couldn't know what was happening only by what Big Brother was promoting. The powerful of languages is synonymous of a powerful weapon mixed with the social media could be fatal. We can see cases of these nowadays, that through T.V we can get into people's mind and changing the way they think, because it's the most viewed.
I think is highly recommended these book, not only for programmers but also for other people, because it makes you think how a language is and what it's the situation we are facing.
On the other hand from the programmer perspective, I think it is relevant to our course because it's the answer why we are taking these course! I mean, it expand our minds making an analogy between programming world and Orwell's world. Having only one language it would be like having one option of a screen that have no CD entries, it would work but it's limited if you want to watch or listen to music, where there isn't on the web but only in CD. Options we need options! we cannot be limited by only learning one language, these reminds me of the article The Semicolon Wars, even though results difficult to handle so many languages it's great at the same because you can use them according to the case like making more efficient. So, yes it's relevant to our course and to our career learning Programming Language, because in the real world you're facing too many Programming Languages.

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