martes, 15 de marzo de 2016

Rich Hickey on Clojure

On these entry we are going to talk about the podcast of Rich Hickey the creator of the Clojure language. First of all Rich told us that Clojure is a dynamic programming, it's a Lisp so it's designed to be hosted, mostly functional so it's has entasis on mutability, pure functions and inmutable data structures. And It has other focus on concurrency. And on the other hand we have Lisp (that we talked about on the previous blog) that is innovate widely available, because programs are presented to the compiler as a data structure.
Honestly, it was hard to me to get use to Clojure, because the first time was really confusing to, it was so different from what I was used to learn. And with Lisp, I'm not really familiar with it but some day I'll try it. But Clojure I see it more compact, I mean you can code in fewer lines what makes it more understandable, but first you have to know how these lazy-sequences, recursions, etc works!
Another aspect that I like about Clojure is that you don't need to specify the type of data because it's no necessary. Well, I'm really comparing these with Java, because is the language that teach us since first semester, so getting know Clojure it makes a more easy way to program even though I still need to practice.
In conclusion I see Clojure like the best of both worlds, in this case Java and Lisp, so I think is the future for functional programming to produce more code, because as Rich said it is more and more used for companies, startups, so yes it have a future. Well, and from my experience I thinks it's important to learn Clojure to have more alternatives of choosing code and this language makes me more easier to code even though it's difficult sometimes because of the parenthesis or the order, but in general it's a promising language.

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